City of Shepherd                         936-628-3305

Shepherd Awarded $4.2 million Grant

12-2-24 - Billy LaCoste was sworn in as new elect for the City Council, Mayor Charles Minton and Alderwoman Yvonne Cones were both re-elected and sworn in, following the certification of the city election.

9-19-23 - The Shepherd Police Officers were given the Oath of Office and sworn in last night. The City has 2 paid positions and the rest are reserve officers that will  volunteer at least 16 hours a month to the City of Shepherd.

City News

Mayor Charles Minton along with City Staff met with Patrick Burks from GLO, Jed Morris- City Engineer and Ray Vann- City's Grant Administrator regarding two grants that are currently in the works. One of the grant projects will address the City's sewer system and the other grant project will be adding an additional water well to the City's water system. We are looking forward to both of these projects as it will benefit Citizen's of Shepherd but will also allow for any future growth and development that is to come.

12-2-24 - Exciting progress being made on our big grant funded sewer project. Contractor bids were opened today. Our Engineer will carefully inspect the bids to assure they match the project before awarding the project. Pictured: Ray Vann- grant administrator on the left and our very own Matt Greer- Public Works director in the middle. Jed Morris city engineer on the right.